- The designation, management, maintenance and revitalization of historic sites.
- The registration, management and reuse of historic buildings.
- The designation (or registration), management, maintenance and reuse of the settlements, ruins and cultural landscapes.
- Human resource development and rewards of cultural assets.
- The historical collection, collation and publication of cultural assets.
- Guidance and assistance for cultural and historical groups.
- Management and maintenance of TV stations.
- Other affairs such as conservation, development and promotion regarding cultural assets
Section of Library & Information
- Organize, categorize, catalogue, and manage the circulation of bibliographic items;
- Supervise the operation of the library' soffices;
- Organize [archive] publications on cultural assets;
- Provide consultation for public libraries all over Pingtung County;
- Hold various reading-related events forth library;
- Manage the operation of the Museum of Travel Literature and the Museum's areas for bibliographic items regarding local writers and county history;
- County gazetteer editing project;
- Dawushan Literature Award and literature camp;
- Accept and review submissions of literary works;
- Publish academic literature and journals related to Pingtung.
Section of Cultural Development
- Promote arts and cultural events;
- Cultural education and promotion;
- Cultural consultation service;
- Supervise and provide consultation for cultural foundations;
- Provide support for community groups to facilitate community development;
- Supervise, and provide consultation for, local cultural museums;
- Provide consultation for the cultural and creative industries;
- Assist in the development of artistic and cultural features of local areas and organize Hengchun folk music events;
- Cultural service volunteer management;
- Accept subsidy applications from civic groups;
- Overall planning and management for the old tobacco factory.
Section of Fine Art & Museum
- Display, procurement and collection management of artifacts;
- Fine arts exhibitions, artworks procurement/collection management, and exhibition tours;
- Establishmentof museums, subsequent artworks collection management, as well as related research, education and promotion;
- Establishment,as well as operation and management, of traditional performing arts museums;
- Hold competitions for creative works of art;
- Artifactpreservation and maintenance plans;
- Installationand promotion of public arts, management of foundations, and relevant reviews;
- Supervise the operation of Fangliao F3 Art Venue, an area for the Art Network of Railway Warehouses Project;
- Supervise the operation of the Folk Art Museum;
- Planning and implementation of artistic activities for children.
Gallery and Music Hall
- Accept Applications for the establishment of performing arts groups, as well as supervise operations, and provide support and consultation for the groups;
- Planning and hosting of performances and seminars in art museums;
- Art museum operation and facility management;
- Planning and hosting of performing arts events;
- Provide consultation for and manage affairs related to buskers;
- Provide training programs and consultation for A Cappella groups;
- Planning and hosting of end-of-year countdown activities;
- Planning and hosting of nationwide performing arts tours;
- Planning and hosting of the Children Carnival;
- Planning and hosting of the Dance Festival;
- Planning and hosting of the Spring Scream;
- Planning and hosting of the Pingtung Autumn Vocal Festival.
Division of Cultural Installation
- Leasingtender of military dependents' villages and follow-up operation and management;
- ROT (Rehabilitate Operate and Transfer) project of military dependents' villages;
- Supervisethe operation of the Cengzi Shrine;
- Supervisethe operation of the Pingtung Performing Arts Center;
- Supervisethe operation of the former Air Force Hostel;
- Supervisethe operation of the General's House;
- Marketingand operation of the Duobaowu Cultural and Creative Products Display Center;
- Planningand management of the Military Song Museum;
- Promotionof industrial culture, and project execution.
Division of Cultural Assets
I. Tangible Assets Section
A. Comprehensive planning and related affairs:
- Formulation of cultural asset policies, policy implementation plans, and related regulations;
- Local resource integration and cultural asset preservation network;
- Domestic and international cultural asset exchange and cooperation;
- Affairs related to cultural assets, the culture of military dependents' villages, and world cultural heritages;
- Affairs related to the management of bibliographic items on the research of cultural assets and system maintenance;
- Affairs related to the revitalization, reuse, operation and management of cultural assets.
B. Affairs related to tangible cultural assets:
- Review, designation, abolition and announcement of historic sites, historic buildings, settlements, heritage sites, cultural scenic areas, and artifacts;
- Maintenance, repair and reuse of historic sites, historic buildings and settlements; creation of green spaces nearby, drawing up related plans and design, work reports, construction monitoring, and other affairs concerning consultation and review;
- Management, maintenance and supervision of county-level heritage sites, cultural scenic areas and artifacts;
- Planning for the establishment of cultural asset preservation zones and management guidelines;
- Provide consultation for civic groups and individuals in carrying out affairs related to tangible cultural assets as well as assist in handling emergencies.
II. Intangible Assets Section
A. Affairs related to intangible cultural assets:
- Provide consultation to facilitate the investigation, research, preservation, maintenance and promotion of intangible cultural assets;
- Review and registration of intangible cultural assets (including traditional arts and folk cultures);
- Review, education and promotion concerningcultural asset preservation techniques and the documentation of thesetechniques and their preservationists;
- Organize publicity events, talent cultivationprograms, and education regarding cultural assets;
- Cultivation of cultural asset preservationprofessionals, and human resource management;
- The scientific basis, techniques and engineering research related tocultural assets preservation.
B.Administration: Research and evaluation, procurement, and paperwork.